John Deere 1520
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  • Productive seedbox capacities

    Seedboxes have a large capacity for longer intervals between stops for refilling. 


     Drill Total box capacity L/m (bu/ft)
    4.6-m (15-ft) model  1480 L (42 bu)   321.7 L/m (2.8 bu/ft)
    6.1-m (20-ft) model  1409.6 L (40 bu)   231.1 L/m (2.0 bu/ft)

    All boxes are plain grain with a large, single lid for accessing the seedbox.

  • Double-disk furrow openers
    Double-disk opener
    Double-disk opener
    Double-disk opener
    Double-disk opener

    Double-disk openers create a furrow in which seed is placed. They work best in a prepared seedbed and leave the field relatively smooth, with minimal soil throw.


    The double-disk openers are available with 152.4-mm, 190.5-mm, and 254-mm (6-in., 7.5-in., and 10-in.) row spacings. The 152.4-mm (6-in.) spaced drills have nominal residue flow in minimum till conditions. The 190.5-mm (7.5-in.) spacing is recommended for wet, sticky soil conditions such as the Red River Valley.

    Cast-aluminum boots are standard equipment. Openers come with a zigzag pattern, with alternate short and long drawbars, to provide good trash flow in varied field conditions. The alternating of blades with a right/left leading-edge offset improves penetration.


    Blades are offset with a 6.35-mm (1/4-in.) leading edge, and the pinch point is close to where the blades meet the soil for better penetration and residue cutting.



Plain Grain

40 bu